My name is Barry H Mansfield, I consider myself to be a philosophical poet. I have been published in several journals. One that comes to mind is a “journal for ordinary though’ 2007 where my poem “The way I think”, was first published. Also, in Northeastern’s independent. My first book “Thrown out of the Garden” has been published.A lot of my poems are about the exploring the possibility of creating something good out of something not quite right. I have been going to school for a very long time, trying to increase my understanding of the world in which we live so that I can help create, if I’m allowed to a possible better future for as many as I can.
It is my belief, that to understand one’s path into the future it is necessary to know the history behind the quest. In this case I think that I should start by saying I’ve always had an extreme dyslexic-dysgraphic problem. It is a problem which caused me great consternation in my formative education. Still it did not stop me from gaining my GED while I was in the Army. It did not stop me from becoming one of my units’ best helicopter mechanics.  But it did limit me in the occupations I could pursue after my enlistment was over. I wanted more, I wanted to feel like I was accomplishing something or at least being productive.

What magic in the darkness among the treasures in our minds?

what fortunes and what blessings can we find

of the power and enlightenment that here too in do dwell

can we find our true fulfillment, and escape this earthbound hell

So, I came up with a plan, the physical act of writing was extremely difficult, any kind of prose was almost beyond my ability. The thought was, I should start by writing simple poems, thereby practicing my writing skills so that one day I could write more comprehensive and detailed prose.
The first step of my plan was to find poems that I liked and understood and to say the same thing that the poem said by changing every word in the poem I had chosen. After practicing this exercise multiple times and finding that I could do this well, I decided it was time to throw away the practice and create something of my own. The first poem that I wrote had to be something that was on my mind and of use in my future endeavors.
To me this poem had a lot of meaning and part of that meaning was to unlock my hidden abilities, I had first to gain knowledge. At that point the gaining of knowledge became more than something that was fun it became something that to me was necessary. My formative Education, except for the time that I went to school in Lake Bluff and Lake Forest was a true disaster. Knowing that, I could not let the past hold me Back from what I needed to do. I started this process by enrolling at Truman College.  When I enrolled there, the counselors that I spoke to were not very helpful in helping me to form a plan which would lead me towards graduation. Undaunted, I proceeded to make this experience my own. So, I chose to take classes in which I felt I could excel. I joined student government, drama club, video club, and took part in creating a new theater group. I did extremely well in 98% of the classes that I took achieving in my time there a 3.25 grade average and earning myself 97 credit hours. I was proud of myself.
Many of the courses that I took at this time alleviated my ignorance and allowed me to understand much more than I previously had It also formed the springboard of my creativity, allowing me to write many of the poems that went into the first book I had published. Which is entitled “Thrown out of the Garden” by Barry H Mansfield.

Unfortunately, before this happened my father died and being the sensitive individual that I am I became somewhat depressed. And that and the fact that I didn’t yet have the means to effectively pass courses such as English or math, or the ability to successfully learn how to type I stopped my education for a short period. But I did not stop writing my poetry. Although there came a time when I began to realize that if I was to continue writing meaningful, insightful poems I needed to learn more. It was at this point that I registered at Northeastern Illinois University.

       Being aware that the same restrictions that I had, still applied, I delved into the field of art  with the idea in my mind that this would help me create pictures and designs that I could use alongside my poetry. This proved to be extremely productive for me in more ways than I could possibly imagine. My instructors were creative and insightful and I learned many things not only about art but about the possibilities of my own productiveness.

        Then because of the mismanagement and improper consultation from the people who were supposedly meant to give me proper directions at Truman College. My veterans’ grants ran out. At first I thought this was a disaster but this disaster turned into the best thing that ever happened to me. It allowed me the opportunity to get a computer and the word processing program “Dragon” which was to enable me to achieve greater success. On the way to achieving this greater success I met some of the finest teachers that I could ever imagine. In fact, the people that I met as I proceeded along this new path were more than I hoped for. They were not only teachers; they were human beings who cared about other people, who went out of their way, to do everything possible, to help their students achieve success.

       Not only did I find great teachers, but also guidance counselors who took that extra step, that little bit more time, to understand and help me grow. 99.9% of all the support help professionals I have found since being at Northeastern, are truly wonderful people. As to my future, it is my plan to write as many books of poetry as I can and also to turn my newfound skill in writing prose to the advantage and enlightenment of the people of the planet Earth. I agree this sound like a big job, a major undertaking. Yet I have been blessed and given knowledge by many people, and this has shown me a new understanding. It is this understanding I wish to show others by any means possible. Hopefully, those means will be entertaining along with giving hope to as many people as I can reach. 

Extraordinary Experiences

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